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Border Collie
Oct 05th
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A Professional Flair
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Discussion: Sven-Coop server commands posted in Sven Co-Op

For the sake of organization, I'm going to sort this based on the specific plugin.


admin_slap [name/steamid] [damage] [times to slap] - Slaps the player for X amount of damage and Y amount of times
admin_slay [name/steamid] - Kills the player
admin_kick [name/steamid] [minutes] - Kicks the player. Minutes are optional, otherwise uses the time defined by mp_kickbantime
admin_ban [name/steamid] [minutes] - Bans the player. Minutes are optional, otherwise uses the time defined by mp_bantime
admin_teleport [name/steamid] [X] [Y] [Z] - Teleports the player to given map coordinates
admin_sethealth [name/steamid] [amount] - Gives the player X amount of health
admin_setarmor [name/steamid] [amount] - Gives the player X amount of armor

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