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Today's events : =Friday Night Gaming= Team Fortress 2
Unknown Account
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Discussion: 1/29/2013 - That guy posted in Archives

1:51 AM - {SCG} Rowdy the Crux: You can mute that guy, he's not apart of scg
1:52 AM - {SCG} Rowdy the Crux: What's happening? :o
1:53 AM - Kenshin Midori: I heard blazer for a little help in the server with admin support
1:53 AM - Kenshin Midori: 10:45 PM - [PSI] Blazer: sorry to bug ya kenshi but i need a admin
10:45 PM - Kenshin Midori: What's the problem
10:45 PM - Kenshin Midori: ?*
10:46 PM - [PSI] Blazer: people keep using the n word in here, kinda irritating me
10:46 PM - [PSI] Blazer: i can tell ya who is using it if you need that
10:47 PM - Kenshin Midori: Just a sec
10:48 PM - [PSI] Blazer: kk
1:53 AM - Kenshin Midori: So I'm coming in to see
1:53 AM - {SCG} Rowdy the Crux: Those two guys, you can silence them both
1:53 AM - {SCG} Rowdy the Crux: I'm watching the server chat
1:53 AM - {SCG} Rowdy the Crux: Coincedentally, I asked Blazer if anythign was going on
1:53 AM - {SCG} Rowdy the Crux: anything&
1:54 AM - Kenshin Midori: Ah, alright but I was going to to get the rest of the story from him if I can
1:54 AM - {SCG} Rowdy the Crux: Okies
1:55 AM - {SCG} Rowdy the Crux: I guess he was saying nigger a lot
1:55 AM - {SCG} Rowdy the Crux: So I checked the chat
1:55 AM - Kenshin Midori: Bascily it seems like they just say it for the hell of it
1:55 AM - {SCG} Rowdy the Crux: And he was calling people noobs
1:56 AM - Kenshin Midori: You've really got to introduce me to this little chat log, it would be really useful getting the story when making decisions xD
1:56 AM - Kenshin Midori: But I might ask tomorrow on that, maybe in the middle of the day
1:57 AM - {SCG} Rowdy the Crux: It's something I'd have to send on request
1:57 AM - {SCG} Rowdy the Crux: internal server files
1:57 AM - {SCG} Rowdy the Crux: L 01/29/2013 - 00:42:52: "zFn." say "kuro u suck bro"
L 01/29/2013 - 00:42:54: "zFn." say "go back to cod"
1:57 AM - {SCG} Rowdy the Crux: L 01/29/2013 - 00:43:19: "zFn." say "dont lie bro, i know u play cod"
1:57 AM - {SCG} Rowdy the Crux: L 01/29/2013 - 00:45:02: "zFn." say "sorry nigga"
L 01/29/2013 - 00:45:04: "Stayon" say "nig"
L 01/29/2013 - 00:45:13: "zFn." say "i cant turn off my mlg:("
1:57 AM - Kenshin Midori: Interesing
1:57 AM - Kenshin Midori: Ya I've seen enough for this xD
1:57 AM - {SCG} Rowdy the Crux: L 01/29/2013 - 00:49:49: "zFn." say "im not friendly, fuck u"
1:57 AM - {SCG} Rowdy the Crux: XD
1:58 AM - Kenshin Midori: XD

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