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Discussion: firepower- Neph's ADC guide posted in Archives

the ADC is all about bringing terrifying amounts of firepower to the table. allies should run to you- you're a mobile tower on steroids. there's a lot of intimidation that goes into being an ADC. BAP! that's how much damage I do with an AUTOATTACK. you really wanna feel what an ability feels like? you really wanna sand toe to toe with ME!? that being said, you are fragile. you must position yourself intelligently to maximise your damage output while keeping yourself safe. your proper place? shooting over the shoulder of the tank- letting him soak up damage while you mow down anyone who dares to come close. in order to fully harness the terrifying power of the ADC, you must understand the three pillars of any class, in regards to being an ADC: build, laning, and teamfighting.

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