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Discussion: Hi. I only bite sometimes... posted in Introductions!

Hey there, Honestly I kinda glossed over this sight... (Whoopsies...)

Anyway my name is Milena Kuznetsov but I guess you can call me anything?
I'm not picky really... Oh right the title. Your probably more than fine. I don't bite much. (Biting is for food... not friends.)
Soooooooo I ended up here after joining one of the TF2 servers you guys are hosting.
Should you ever want to talk to me, feel more than free to. I love meeting new people. Though... I can also be kinda quiet sometimes in larger groups but I'll open up to you if you give me time. Promise.

As for what I like to do... I guess I'm a gamer... so... there's that. I also spend half my life on Youtube just watching videos. Oh and sleeping... eh heh... yea...

Anyway I think that will just about wrap up my Introduction here. If you have any questions for me, I'm usually always on Discord so you can more than likely find me on the server there. Oooooooooor You can add me on Steam.

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