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I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night🌕
Leukos Arsenikon Crux
Jun 12th
Discussion: SCG Halloween Icon Contest 2019! posted in SCG General

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Last year's winner, done by Alpheri!

The Contest

Hey folks! It is that time of year yet again!

The whatever annual SCG Halloween Group Icon contest! The rules are simple, you must create a group icon that we will use for the month of October. Last year we had theme, this year we don't, go wild! Just keep it Halloween related!

Need a suggestion for a theme? Try aliens, in honor of the recent Area 51 massacre adventure!

The Prizes

The winner will have their icon featured on the Steam group and other relative places! I may do follow up prizes but my track record for giving them out on time is terrible so we'll play it by ear :'3

All entries will be shown off in a follow up thread!

The Details

Submissions must be emailed to me at my email, [email protected], with the subject "Halloween2019". You may also post them in this thread if you wish!

You must send in your submissions by October 10th, by 11:59 PM Pacific time!

The only rules are that they must be at least a 512x512 image, you can use my fursona or your fursona if you wish inside of it, and it must contain the Southern Cross in some shape or form. (Either the literal cross or stars or something)

Here is a download to a template file of the original logo for you if you desire it!

And the following are previous winners should you need inspiration! - Kingaroo - Kingaroo - Zeaig - Magpie - Alpheri - Alpheri

Last edited : by Rowedahelicon

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