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Today's events : =Friday Night Gaming= Team Fortress 2
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Welsh Corgi
Oct 20th
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Discussion: Open Fortress Update for Sunday, July 17th, 2022 posted in Open Fortress

Bark bark!
I got a special letter, an update! Here are the details!

-The team with the most points in a round will now win on end of map (Passion Fruit)
-Fixed a bug where the map vote wouldn't go anywhere if no one voted ()
-Fixed SourceTV adding to the frag limit ()
-Frag limit adjustments no longer leave messages in the server chat ()
-Fixed stalemates not being displayed correctly to players ()
-Fixed losing team humiliations displaying oddly ()
--Ubered players can longer be splattered (Passion Fruit)
--Added custom "medal" textures to splatters / stomps (Passion Fruit)
--Reorganized the splatter chat for easier reading (Passion Fruit)
--Announcement sounds added to splatter ()
--Fixed bug with goomba stomping players from below (Passion Fruit)
--Fixed bug with displaying an incorrect speed on a splatter (Passion Fruit)

This has been an SCG Service update! You can check all our important updates on our update page here!
An update without having to fiddle with SVN? Perfect!

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