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I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night🌕
Leukos Arsenikon Crux
Jun 12th
Discussion: 10 years of MvM! posted in Events and notices

Did you know what Mann Versus Machine came out 10 years ago today? Did you know also know our MvM server is one of our most popular?

If you weren't aware, our MvM server features a 10 player limit, over the usual 6, and a homemade difficulty modifier that stops a game of 10 from being wildly overpowered. With efforts from the MvM community, we have an impressive lineup of awesome maps, and over 1000 missions varying from casual sessions to some of the most insane tests of endurance.

Thanks to the assistance of the lovely Seabass, the experiences we provide are well curated, and we are constantly finding new content to offer, and new tools to keep track of it all.

There was coincidentally a large update today,, we are narrowing the gap of missing icons and broken missions. Additionally, a whole new server to test some of the more complex missions has been made available! We look forward to seeing folks on the battle field, there is always more in store!

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