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Today's events : =Friday Night Gaming= Team Fortress 2
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night🌕
Leukos Arsenikon Crux
Jun 12th
Discussion: Small updates to our Discord! posted in Events and notices

Hello! We have a couple of small changes to share with our Discord today!

  1. MvM victory announcements are now treated similar to server postings. Meaning, it will clean up the previous post of its type when a new one is made. This is to help keep the channel clean of spam from multiple wins in a row. This was suggested to us by Cheddar (Who pointed out how spammy it was! ^w^;)

  2. Poe will now deliver the daily temperature in both Fahrenheit and Celsius! Also suggested by Cheddar!

  3. Art postings in the NSFW Art channel now use the term "Content Warnings" rather than "Tags", which is more in-line with general fandom terminology. The term is used to specify the tags associated with a picture that help others engage or ignore the content depending on their interests, rather than a complete overview of the image itself.

That is all for now, keep on keeping on, more news for you all soon. ^w^

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