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Just a nerd in a great big world!
Feb 05th
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Genuine Pizza eater Flair
Minecrafter Flair
A Professional Flair
Starve Lord Flair
Represent <3 Flair
Wiki Editor Flair
Discussion: Friend Code Sharing! posted in SCG General

Hey All! I've always been interested in exchanging friend codes with folks. Both because I never had Wi-Fi as a kid and now since revival services such as WiiLink and Pretendo let us continue to game online. I figured why not make a dedicated thread here for folks to share their friend codes and user names! Be it Retro revival services or modern stuff. That way we can find each other across services and have some fun. I'll start

PC/Modern stuff
Steam: ZenIsFluffy
RetroAchievements: ZenTheFox
Switch: SW-1964-6850-4988
Epic Games: ThatGeekZen
Xbox: ThatGeekZen
Pokemon Go: 0056-0068-6855

Older Consoles & Revival Services
Pretendo NNID: ZenIsFluffy
Pretendo n3DS: 2501-5779-5840
WiiLink Wii: 7090-6744-0073-9258

Wiimmfi Games
Animal Crossing City Folk: 4515-7381-6353

Last edited : by Zen

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night🌕
Leukos Arsenikon Crux
Jun 12th

I'll update this eventually with more of mine, but here!

