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I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night🌕
Leukos Arsenikon Crux
Jun 12th
Discussion: Twitter link policy on Discord posted in Events and notices

Starting today, we are not banning links from Twitter, but instead are filtering and converting them into embeds with the text, author, images, videos, etc on display, without directly linking to the website itself.

Additionally, this embed will be created for all Twitter links, X, Fx, Girlcock, etc. Which removes the need for changing your link to one of the third-party reader sites. We hope that by doing so, we can encourage people to stop using Twitter without outright banning links while the internet is still slowly moving over into better places. We do not typically have an activist policy towards such matters, but given the unquestionably awful behavior we continue to see from Twitter, it's best to at least remind folks that Nazis are stupid and are not worth our attention.

This policy is open for discussion, we realize it's pretty out there compared to the way we typically handle things, and Rowdy is totally cool with hearing people's thoughts on the subject! Either way, thank you for understanding, and keep being awesome. <3

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