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Today's events : =Friday Night Gaming= Team Fortress 2
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Welsh Corgi
Oct 20th
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Discussion: Team Fortress 2 Server Update(s) for Friday, January 31st, 2025 posted in Team Fortress 2

Bark bark!
I got a special letter, an update! Here are the details!

-Re-enabled taunts in Prophunt (Prophunt,Rainbow)

Taunts have been re-enabled on Prophunt, however all taunts that previously did damage at no cost to the person using them, no longer do damage.

I may adjust this in the future to do self-damage instead!

-Prophunt health bonuses can now only be collected if you're missing health (Prophunt,Rainbow)

Previously, you could walk over a control point and use your bonus any time, which could waste it if you weren’t damaged at all.

-Fixed the Dragon's fury not working correctly in Prophunt (Feature addition,Rainbow,Prophunt)

The Dragon’s Fury is now handled correctly and does self-damage to the user. I set the value to -12 HP per shot, this may be too high or too low, I don’t know! We can always adjust it!

This has been an SCG Service update! You can check all our important updates on our update page here!
Mann Co. would totally sign off on this if they could! Report any bugs or suggestions here!

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