SCG Banner

Results for Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:53481858


Steam ID:

Steam ID 3:
Steam ID 64:

Discipline history

Date / Time Name Details Admin Length
BOYGAMER1 5:51 PM - BOYGAMER1: about the strawberry server 5:51 PM - {SCG} Rowdy - open 4 artz: Hmm? 5:53 PM - BOYGAMER1: can u see why am i banned from strawberry 5:53 PM - {SCG} Rowdy - open 4 artz: [Bunny] BOYGAMER1 : sleeping not a asshole admin (Voice) xxgirxx005: MEDIC! (Voice) xxgirxx005: MEDIC! [Bunny] BOYGAMER1 : u r the asshole admin 5:55 PM - BOYGAMER1: so howmany days is that 5:54 PM - {SCG} Rowdy - open 4 artz: 30 5:55 PM - BOYGAMER1: wat 5:55 PM - BOYGAMER1: y 30 5:55 PM - {SCG} Rowdy - open 4 artz: how old are you? 5:56 PM - BOYGAMER1: 12 5:55 PM - {SCG} Rowdy - open 4 artz: Really? 5:56 PM - BOYGAMER1: yes i promise 5:56 PM - BOYGAMER1: u can ask my parents if u knew them 5:55 PM - {SCG} Rowdy - open 4 artz: 4 year ban, come back when you've finished middle school. 5:57 PM - BOYGAMER1: plz 5:57 PM - BOYGAMER1: can u make it shorter